
In lieu of writing a full report, the Shadow Committee is hoping that Abracadabra resubmit its proposal with some different requests.

Although liquidity mining on Velodrome does offer essential support for the uptake of MIM on Optimism – as laid out by 0xEdwardo – the ask as it stands is too large and one-dimensional for the sorts of things we envision Abracadabra bringing to Optimism, and the timing is too preliminary. We’ll be working with them to devise a more interesting slate of asks that could bring new utility to DeFi on Optimism. We invite some other delegates to weigh in on things they might like to see as well.

Things we’re envisioning are minting against novel forms of collateral, more uses for OP, and partnerships with some OP-native protocols.

One note: we’ve worked with Abracadabra’s team, and they are thoughtful, forward-thinking people. It’s been a shame to read some superficial assessments of their team, and we’re hopeful that as they spend more time building on Optimism, people will come to appreciate what they add to the community.